False is a Charleston tagger. This was taken downtown.

Here is a little one on the edge of a newspaper box. Look at the parallel sides on with his letter sizes.

some random stickers with those pleasant borders on a window.

The full text reads: "If trees could scream - would we still cut them down? unless they were screaming all the time and for no apparent reason. In which case we would kill the whinny trees"

If this is true, where is the advertisement?

"It's a goddamn beret." Kind of looks like a pancake to me.

Here is one of
those eggs I was talking about! Someone has since tagged over it. What a shame.

Here is a better shot of this sticker and the gun sticker on the bottom that I posted last time.

A crazy bird thing on the curb.

right next to this. I don't know what on Earth it says but I like the arrow at the bottom.